Apa itu Speech To Text, Speech Synthesis, Speech Recognition, Voice Command?
Kata wikipedia sih
Speech recognition (also known as automatic speech recognition or computer speech recognition) converts spoken words to machine-readable input (for example, to the binary code for a string of character codes). The term voice recognition may be imprecisely used to refer to speech recognition, but more precisely refers to speaker recognition, which attempts to identify the person speaking, as opposed to what is being said.
Speech recognition applications include voice dialing (e.g., "Call home"), call routing (e.g., "I would like to make a collect call"), domotic appliance control and content-based spoken audio search (e.g., find a podcast where particular words were spoken), simple data entry (e.g., entering a credit card number), preparation of structured documents (e.g., a radiology report), speech-to-text processing (e.g., word processors or emails), and in aircraft cockpits (usually termed Direct Voice Input).
Contoh aplikasi speech recognition ini bisa Anda lihat di http://www.voicerecognition.com/ (software berbayar)
Lalu bagaimana cara membuat aplikasi speech recognition menggunakan Delphi? baca artikel selanjutnya...
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