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"Dan di antara manusia (ada) orang yang mempergunakan perkataan yang tidak berguna untuk menyesatkan (manusia) dari jalan Allah tanpa pengetahuan dan menjadikan jalan Allah itu olok-olokan. Mereka itu akan memperoleh azab yang menghinakan" [Q.S Luqman : 6]

More Close with Java Application

Java was a technology in software of computer, that was a programming language, and at the same time a platform. Enterprise Java in fact only the specification that was written in the standard of JSR. Therefore his implementation had several Java Enterprise models of the work frame that was supported by certain vendor.

Beside that the apache tomcat was the web server for java application. So if you made an application web with used java, you needed one server to undertake this application. Apache tomcat was one of the servers.

Moreover, there was also Tomcat that applied the servlet specification and Java Server Pages (JSP) to provide the environment that enabled the Java code the road co-operated with web server. Added tools for the configuration and the management, but could configure via file that was edited in the XML. Tomcat format enclosed one server HTTP inside. The servlet machine of Tomcat could be combined with Apache HTTP Server or web servers other. Tomcat could also function as web server the independent in the production environment with the burden traffic that was high.

Tomcat was often used as development server, this was caused by one of his characteristics that lightweight compared with servlet the container and application server of this kind. But, there were also companies that used Tomcat as production server.

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